Auckland, New Zealand |
Auckland skyline.
Fresh (or not so fresh) off the plane from LAX and just a little jet-lagged
Our hotel, the Sebel Suites, in Viaduct Harbour
Room with a view--this was our view overlooking the harbour. On the right hand side on the dock you can see the boat that won New Zealand the first America's Cup.
The same view by night
The same view, looking more to the west
Auckland Harbour Bridge
A view of Auckland's skyline from our hotel
Auckland skyline by night from our hotel
The Sky Tower
Having drinks with John (left) and his Kiwi friends
Ian with John's friend Philip
Having lunch with Eugene, John and Philip at Viaduct Harbour
Eugene, Ian and Allan
Unfortunately, there was no vacation from cooking for Allan.
Dinner in our room
Albert Park
Ian in Albert Park
In the Auckland Domaine
The view across the Harbour from the Domaine to Devonport and Mount Victoria, one of many extinct volcanoes in the Auckland region
The Auckland skyline from the Devonport ferry
A typical Victorian house in Devonport
Allan in Devonport
Auckland on the left and Mount Victoria on the right
Parasurfers at Balmain Beach
On Mount Victoria, Devonport
Wine tasting at Stonyridge Winery on Waiheke Island
Stonyridge vinyards
A view from Stonyridge vinyards
Allan with the Cabernet Sauvignon vines
Cabernet Sauvignon
The entrance to Stonyridge
Sydney, Australia |
Allan in Hyde Park, Sydney
The Sydney Tower
Allan in front of the Sydney Opera House
A tree in the Royal Botanic Gardens
Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge
The Sydney skyline from the Royal Botanic Gardens

At Mrs. Macquarrie's Point
Allan in the Royal Botanic Gardens
Ian in front of the Harbour Bridge
Allan at the Sydney Opera House
Ian in front of the Sydney Opera House
Sydney Cove and Circular Quay
Royal Botanic Gardens
Hibiscus in the Royal Botanic Gardens
A bottle brush flower in Royal Botanic Gardens
This one's for you Alison! Hope it doesn' scare you away from every visiting Australia. It's the only one we saw, the whole time. Really!
See the flying foxes sleeping in the trees?
See them now?
How about now?
In case the last one wasn't close enough, here's a nice close up view. Flying foxes sleep while hanging from the tree branches.
Flying Foxes are really bats, and nocturnal, so once the sun goes down they take flight.
Apparently, if you make a donation and rub this hog's nose, your wish will come true. We're still waiting...
Looking down Oxford Street from Taylor Square
Too good to eat! A cake shop on Oxford Street in Darlinghurst
Oxford Street in Paddington
There is a lot of green space right in the heart of Sydney. There seemed to be lots of people running and playing sports at all times of the day. This shot was taken in the domaine on a Wednesday afternoon.
The Art Gallery of New South Wales
This was taken at Mrs. Macquarrie's Point, across from the Sydney Opera House.
Under a giant fig tree in the Royal Botanic Gardens
The QVB (Queen Victoria Building) shopping centre
The interior of the QVB
Having dinner with an old friend, Jennifer and her husband, Ron.
Jen and Ian
All good things must come to an end. This shot was taken somewhere over the South Pacific on our way back to Canada.
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